Friday, September 23, 2016

Generation Y

1.  Generation Y
     Born between 1977-1994
     Age in 2004 was 10-22
     Population was 71 million
     Much more racially and ethnically diverse
     Largest group since the Baby Boomers
     The kids are more sophisticated, when it comes to electronics
     They are often raised in dual income families


3. Image result for generation y Image result for generation y

4. Two TV shows that people in this generation might watch are Friends and Gilmore Girls

5. Two movies that people in the y generation might watch are Finding Nemo and The Parent Trap

6. Two magazines that they might like are People Magazine and Sports Illustrated

7. Two live entertainment events that this generation might like are Football and Baseball

8. Two vacation spots that people in generation y might like are Disney and New York City

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